Monday, January 4, 2010

hi 2010

ushering 2010, with the tots of not having updated my blog for the past few months seems unbearable.
looking back into 2009,a lot of things had happened.good ones,bad ones,and those unimportant memories.
it seems like no matter what i do, its never enough.looking bk at the checklist of things i want (tentatively)
ust an update of my wishlist...
Nokia N97---->Xmas gift for myself!!! well,i've gotten it
Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol--->gotten it
a 32" LCD TV in my room---> Next 3 2Months coming soon on CNY
PS3/Wii--->next 3 Monthsshud be together wif the tv,assuming if i still wants it
New Job that pays well?--->Maybe soon...~*XD New Job huh?i did got one.
new gf?---> COME ON BABY!!!!Im AVAILABLE!!! girls?never seems to materialise for me though.been single for more than a i so despicable?
new year resolution
-->get all the wishlist completed
-->reduce smoking....shud i quit?
-->remember to blog (shud i jz twitter?)
-->Get someone who is willing to share my memories with me.
-->control my temper...its shitty especially when i am talking to Celcom careline ppl.
--> cut 10kg of weight

seriously,i dont freaking know why i am sharing so many personal words in this blog,which i never tot i wud.i have a personal blog which i normally shout there when i am super uber stressed. to think of it,i've stopped complaining to the blog for a very freaking long

being random~*
i feel so lost sometimes. thinking,am i doing the right things,and am i doing things right?
have i lost my way?have i lost my thinking...or is it i am just thinking too much?
i miss a few people rite now, who had made a huge difference in my life. Of course,im not talking bout my parents whom im so indebted with...(and so are u to ur parents)
there are two girls that actually made me go nuts over them in my life,which at the same time i feel proud to have liked and loved such brilliant ladies. firstly is Alicia, whom i keep saying she is love at first sight. and the second being Si Ying, whom i hope at the very least,she had forgiven me of my ignorance.this two ladies seriously change whom i am now. and i am also brave enough to say,Alicia,you bring the biggest impact in my life.

well guys,i guess after these rantings,you finally get to know the other side of me....but i dont care.
anywayz...i dont even know if there is any living readers to my blog anymore.....hahahaha.