Monday, June 15, 2009

My Wishlist...(& I Dream a dream..~*)

Just an update of my wishlist...
Nokia N97---->Xmas gift for myself!!!
Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol--->Coming Soon (September)
a 32" LCD TV in my room---> Next 3 Months
PS3/Wii--->next 3 Months
New Job that pays well?--->Maybe soon...~*XD
new gf?---> COME ON BABY!!!!Im AVAILABLE!!!
today i had a dream...the sweetest dream in my life.In the dream,you forgive me and
gave me the sweetest smile i had ever seen in my life...~*
though you had yet to speak a single word with me for nearly 3-4 months now, I'm still
hoping you would just come to me and say lets bygone be bygone...hope we can still at least
be friends....i really misses u as my friend....well,i'll just had to continue praying and hoping relentlessly...
you still will be my sweetest dream...~*
and to my not emo here...just happy to had my sweetest dream...~**

1 comment:

YewJin said...

wish u all the best man! hopefully she will come and say something to u :D